Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH promotes public education in the field of mineralogy, geology, paleontology and mining by operating, maintaining and further expanding earth science projects.
Currently, the foundation supports in particular the Mineralienatlas — Fossilienatlas, the internationally active Lithothek of the Munich Micromounter and the Geolitho Collection Management. The foundation takes over geological collections in order to accommodate the collection items in the best possible way in the spirit of the donor and to keep the memory of the collector alive. For this purpose, the foundation cooperates with museums or integrates collections into its own lithotheque. This is also done together with the donor during his lifetime.

Mineralienatlas — Fossilienatlas is the platform for people interested in geology, mineralogy, paleontology and mining since 2001. The aim is to preserve geological knowledge and keep it accessible to the public. Everyone is invited to participate and complete the information and contribute new information. Help to preserve your knowledge for posterity.
The Lithothek der Münchner Micromounter is a project also founded around 2001 with the aim to include all known minerals and from each locality at least one specimen of the mineral in the collection. Thereby the achievement of the collector and donor is preserved.

Geolitho Collection Management is a modern tool for capturing object data. Worldwide access ensures collaboration with donors. Parallel input and maintenance allow to use the Lithothek from anywhere and at any time. The data is available to everyone.
The Geolitho Marketplace allows to sell or better exchange surplus collection items and is a good way to expand one’s collection.