Collection donations

We would like to give you an insight into which col­lec­tions have found their way to us and thank the col­lec­tors for their sup­port. In addi­tion to the donors of entire col­lec­tions, there are many small donors who often send us very rare minerals.

Inso­far as these donors are not men­tioned here: You can find them all in our col­lec­tion admin­is­tra­tion. We would like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to thank all donors for their support.

Jul. 2024

Collection of Dr. Heinz Barth from Munich

Dr. Markus Barth has left us the col­lec­tion of his grand­fa­ther. A well-doc­u­ment­ed col­lec­tion in which geo­log­i­cal fea­tures were doc­u­ment­ed with a great deal of pas­sion. The col­lec­tion, large­ly con­sist­ing of pieces col­lect­ed by him­self, rang­ing from min­er­als to rocks, is part­ly inte­grat­ed into the col­lec­tions of the Geolitho Foun­da­tion. Many of the pieces date back to the 70s and 80s and the sites where they were found have already become extinct.

Feb. 2024

Another part of Josef Miethaner’s collection

Anoth­er part of the very exten­sive col­lec­tion of the late col­lec­tor Josef Miethaner has been donat­ed to us. Parts of the col­lec­tion are to be housed in the Kirch­seeon local his­to­ry muse­um. The trans­fer to the vir­tu­al col­lec­tion has begun. Thanks to his daugh­ter for the gen­er­ous donation.

Jan. 2024

Florian Kaiser’s youth collection

Flo­ri­an Kaiser has entrust­ed us with his youth col­lec­tion con­sist­ing of approx. 70 min­er­als. From small to hand spec­i­mens, every­thing is includ­ed. As he thinks our project is great, he has also under­pinned this with a finan­cial dona­tion. Thank you very much!

Dez. 2023

Partial collection of Berthold Kunz

Berthold Kunz has donat­ed his micro­mounts to the Foun­da­tion. Two col­leagues from the Lithothek team col­lect­ed the col­lec­tion from him on site. Some of the micro­mounts have already been added to the Lithothek. Many thanks to Berthold!

Juli 2023

Partial collection of Josef Miethaner

An exten­sive col­lec­tion of min­er­als and fos­sils from Aus­tria, Switzer­land and Moroc­co with numer­ous beau­ti­ful quartz spec­i­mens was donat­ed to us from the for­mer col­lec­tion of the late col­lec­tor Josef Miethaner. Parts of the col­lec­tion are to be housed in the Kirch­seeon local his­to­ry museum.

Feb. 2023

5 large steps from Alois Lechner

To sup­port the local his­to­ry muse­um in Kirch­seeon, Alois Lech­n­er has donat­ed five attrac­tive large steps to us. We will show them off to their best advantage.

Jan. 2023

Acquisition of the collection of Andreas Brand (alias Hg)

The par­ents and sib­lings of our pre­sen­ter Andreas, who passed away in Novem­ber 2022, have bequeathed a large part of his col­lec­tion to the foun­da­tion. We will house his col­lec­tion items as best we can and make them acces­si­ble to the pub­lic as far as possible.

Micromounts by Horst Schabereiter in the Lithothek

No, his col­lec­tion will not be in the Lithothek, there are oth­er inter­est­ed buy­ers. But Horst is still very con­vinced of our idea and helps us wher­ev­er he can. He is con­stant­ly mon­i­tor­ing our new Geolitho col­lec­tion man­age­ment sys­tem to see what new acqui­si­tions we are mak­ing and draws our atten­tion to any dis­crep­an­cies, which we always inves­ti­gate and which we usu­al­ly rec­og­nize as jus­ti­fied and take into account. Every now and then a “par­cel” arrives from Leoben with micro­mounts that we do not yet have in our col­lec­tion. We now have over 400 spec­i­mens, many of which have been pho­tographed and doc­u­ment­ed in the Min­er­al Atlas. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about Horst Sch­abere­it­er can be found in the Min­er­al Atlas under col­lec­tor’s profiles.

Nov. 2022

Addition of missing micromounts from the Hans Erich and Joachim Bluth collection

Joachim has gone to the trou­ble of search­ing for over 300 steps that could be of inter­est to the Lithothek from the col­lec­tion of his father Hans Erich Bluth, which he has added to. He record­ed these pieces in our Geolitho col­lec­tion man­age­ment sys­tem and donat­ed them to the Foun­da­tion for the Lithothek. We record­ed these steps in the Lithothek, assigned them to his father Hans Erich Bluth as donors and cre­at­ed a col­lec­tor’s pro­file for him.

Acquisition of the collection from Dr. Hellfried Uebele

Dr. Hell­fried Uebele has giv­en the Foun­da­tion his well-doc­u­ment­ed col­lec­tion for the Lithothek. After

Jan. 2022

Acquisition of the Helmut Büttner collection

The very exten­sive col­lec­tion is rep­re­sent­ed in the Lithothek with over 6500 pieces.

Acquisition of collection items and unprocessed material from Dr. Thomas Krassmann

Dr. Thomas Krass­mann has donat­ed a col­lec­tion and unprocessed mate­r­i­al to the Foundation.

Jul. 2019

Acquisition of the Rudolf Berrenrath collection

The col­lec­tion is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by over 1000 steps in the Lithothek.


Wolf­gang Stahlmann nev­er had any con­tact with our group dur­ing his time as a col­lec­tor. He lived near Osnabrück and there­fore far too far away from us. Nev­er­the­less, he learned about the Lithothek from the Mner­alia Atlas and from sto­ries. And he was so tak­en with our vision that he donat­ed a large part of his col­lec­tion while he was still alive (all micro­mounts except those from the Eifel, which he gave to oth­er friends). Almost 600 spec­i­mens from his for­mer col­lec­tion now adorn the Lithothek and keep alive the mem­o­ry of this active, knowl­edge­able and lov­able col­lec­tor. In his col­lec­tor’s pro­file, Wolf­gang Stahlmann him­self talks about his love for these beau­ti­ful stones.