Support us / Donation

We would be delight­ed if you would sup­port our char­i­ta­ble goals. Dona­tions in kind and your coop­er­a­tion are just as wel­come as mon­e­tary donations.

What to donate?

We take over old min­er­als, fos­sils and rock col­lec­tions. We try to inte­grate the mate­r­i­al into the Lithothek. Mate­r­i­al that does not fit into the Lithothek is giv­en to friend­ly muse­ums or sold for the pur­pose of financ­ing. It is our con­cern to pre­serve the name of the donor and his col­lect­ing activity.

An often dis­cussed top­ic: “What hap­pens to my col­lec­tion after death” we may be able to answer for you. You can also help to inte­grate your col­lec­tion dur­ing your life­time and help us to prop­er­ly cat­a­log your donat­ed exhibits.

Mon­e­tary dona­tions are very wel­come. These make it eas­i­er for us to pur­sue shared goals and secure the projects for the future. It would be great if our projects would be worth it to you to con­tribute a few euros. This can be done via Pay­pal with cred­it card, and Pay­pal itself. You are also wel­come to send us a dona­tion direct­ly. We will glad­ly pro­vide you with the account details. Since we are a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, you can deduct your dona­tion from your taxes.

Bank trans­fer

IBANDE06 7025 0150 0029 7209 35

Cred­it card and Paypal

As soon as you click on the donate but­ton you will be redi­rect­ed to our ser­vice provider Pay­pal. You do not need an account to donate anything.

What we use the money for

  • Pur­chase of new minerals
  • Cov­er­ing ongo­ing serv­er costs
  • Costs for the reg­is­tra­tion of the domains
  • Ser­vice charges for the step home (elec­tric­i­ty, tele­phone, inter­net, garbage, etc.)
  • Col­lec­tion boxes
  • Dis­play box­es and fas­ten­ing material
  • Rental costs
  • Tax con­sul­tan­cy costs
  • Award­ing of devel­op­ment contracts
  • To a small extent adver­tis­ing costs for e.g. stickers
  • Trav­el and trans­port costs to pick up col­lec­tions, for example
  • Office sup­plies
  • Com­put­er
  • Tools
  • Per­son­nel costs (clean­ing etc.)
  • Micro­scopes
  • Analy­ses

The list is not com­plete, but gives an insight into what most of the finan­cial resources are used for.

We pro­vide infor­ma­tion on dona­tions received in our overview of finan­cial dona­tions. Col­lec­tion dona­tions gives you an overview of col­lec­tions received.