Prices and conditions

Private user

The use of the col­lec­tion man­age­ment is pos­si­ble free of charge until fur­ther notice. Con­trary to the fur­ther expla­na­tions, the cost mod­el is not applied. The Geolitho Foun­da­tion gGmbH is cur­rent­ly look­ing for ways to offer you the ser­vice free of charge in the future.

If this changes we will inform the users. From this point on you have 12 months time before a change comes into effect. Fur­ther expla­na­tions are infor­ma­tive and reflect the costs that are dis­played to you in the collection.The costs expire and are not charged.

Col­lec­tions that you use as a guest or addi­tion­al employ­ee are free of charge for you.

Own collections

The first year is basi­cal­ly free of charge. You can test the col­lec­tion man­age­ment in the first year and use it free of charge. From a data vol­ume of 5 Giga­Byte or 10,000 col­lec­tion objects, we reserve the right to invoice pre­ma­ture­ly. The peri­od of the free year begins with the cre­ation of the col­lec­tion, but no ear­li­er than 01.04.2022.

After one year, you pay the amount cal­cu­lat­ed from your data vol­ume, num­ber of write-autho­rized users and num­ber of records from the scale below. You pay this amount in advance for the next year of usage. The process repeats itself year after year. You can decide until the end of each year if you want to con­tin­ue using our services.

Scale of costs

from col­lec­tion object to col­lec­tion object Amount in € (per year)
FFor each giga­byte of occu­pied disk space for doc­u­ments and images per year
Addi­tion­al employ­ees / users with full access or lim­it­ed write access per year
Users with read-only access


Calculation example 1

You have entered 1.000 col­lec­tion items, each with a pho­to of 100 kByte size.

Die ersten 100 Samm­lung­sob­jek­te kosten 10€ / Jahr

The first 100 col­lec­tion objects cost 10€ / year
Col­lec­tion object 101 — 1.000 cost 22,5€ / year
The disk space is 100 MByte and is not charged yet.

The total cost is 32,5€ per year.

Calculation example 2

You have entered 10.000 col­lec­tion items, each with two pho­tos of 100 kByte size. Anoth­er user has write access to your collection.

The first 100 col­lec­tion objects cost 10€ / year
Col­lec­tion object 101 — 1.000 cost 22,5€ / year
Col­lec­tion object 1.001 — 10.000 cost 90€ / year
The disk space is 2.000 MByte (2 Giga­Byte) and costs 12€ / year.
The addi­tion­al user with writ­ing rights costs 10€ / year.

The total cost is 144,5€ per year.

Institutional users

Insti­tu­tion­al users please con­tact us directly.

Unless oth­er­wise agreed, the con­di­tions for pri­vate users plus VAT apply.

Short of cash?

As a non-prof­it foun­da­tion, we see it as our duty to enable our fel­low cit­i­zens with less finan­cial lee­way to use our ser­vices. Con­tact us and togeth­er we will find a solu­tion for you. Your request will be treat­ed discreetly.


Since all pro­ceeds are used to pur­sue non-prof­it geo­log­i­cal projects, dona­tions are always welcome.