The Lithothek of the Munich Micromounters

You can get an insight into our lithotheque in our col­lec­tion man­age­ment.


The Lithothek of the Munich Micro­moun­ters came into being at about the same time as the Min­er­al Atlas around the year 2001. The basic idea was the ques­tion of what should become of the col­lec­tions of the increas­ing­ly old­er mem­bers when they are no longer there. The thought that a col­lec­tion could belong to a group and not to an indi­vid­ual was alien­at­ing to many. Accord­ing to the mot­to, “every­one may, no one must par­tic­i­pate”, how­ev­er, enough group mem­bers could be con­vinced of the idea that the care of a group means more secu­ri­ty than the fate of an indi­vid­ual collector.

In 2001 it was start­ed to take over the col­lec­tions of the mem­bers Dorothea Kulicke, Erwin Schuh­bauer, Man­fred Seitz and Peter Köhlen with their best pieces into the Lithothek. In addi­tion, there were many stages of Klaus Fleck, who want­ed to get out of the min­er­al trade and donat­ed his entire stock of trade goods to the Munich Micro­moun­ters. The idea quick­ly spread out­side the Micro­mounter work­ing group and met with a pos­i­tive response. Per­haps the best exam­ple of this is the now deceased Klaus-Dieter Bausch, who came to Munich espe­cial­ly to con­tribute his col­lec­tion includ­ing pho­tos to the Lithothek.

The Lithothek is a mod­el of suc­cess, from the first hour and until today. Not only that the col­lec­tion is con­stant­ly grow­ing, quan­ti­ta­tive­ly and qual­i­ta­tive­ly. In the “Stufen­heim”, an apart­ment that is avail­able to the work­ing group at low cost, mem­bers of the work­ing group meet reg­u­lar­ly sev­er­al times a week to work on the col­lec­tion and main­tain social con­tacts. Today, in 2021, the col­lec­tion includes more than 53,000 spec­i­mens from over 7,000 sites world­wide. Over 400 part­ners have con­tributed to the col­lec­tion, most­ly as dona­tions. Over 3,580 dif­fer­ent min­er­al species rec­og­nized by the IMA are present.

Lithotheque in our col­lec­tion management

Lithotheque at Mineralienatlas