The year 2021
was a very special year, also for us. We ran the risk of being completely thwarted in our activities by the Corona pandemic. But: We saw and used the opportunity to understand this danger as a chance and to set out for new shores.
Our previous collection management system (MDAT-COLL) had not been maintained for several years. There was a need for action. Stefan Schorn, together with a small group of friends, developed a new and modern database system for the administration and documentation of collections of all kinds, to which we gave the name GEOLITHO.
Our liththek, which had grown to over 53,000 objects after twenty years of existence, is the first collection to use Geolitho. As expected, the transition was not without problems, but the effort was worth it.

For the first time, we were able to use the possibility to work on the lithotheque for several people, independent of location and at the same time. This has e.g. the advantage that …
More from the yearbook can be found in the attached document, which you can download as .pdf.
The yearbook was prepared by Manfred Früchtl in November 2021.