New shareholder Günter Frenz

The Geolitho Stiftung gGmbH would like to inform you that we have made a change to our foun­da­tion struc­ture. We have Gün­ter Frenz on board as a new share­hold­er who will sup­port us in fur­ther secur­ing and expand­ing the foundation.

We have tak­en this deci­sion in order to be bet­ter pre­pared in the event of unfore­seen events or risks that could befall one of the oth­er shareholders.

Many peo­ple know our new share­hold­er from Min­er­alien­at­las. He has been an admin­is­tra­tor there for many years, help­ing to set up and secure our infra­struc­ture and keep it up to date. He is a valu­able mem­ber of the mod­er­a­tion team.

In the future, he will help deter­mine the direc­tion of the foundation.

Gün­ter Frenz has already been nota­rized as a share­hold­er. He will be entered in the com­mer­cial reg­is­ter as soon as possible.

Many thanks to Gün­ter for his con­stant commitment.