Support the Mineral Atlas financially

Bank trans­fer

IBANDE06 7025 0150 0029 7209 35

Cred­it card and Paypal

Once you click on the donate but­ton, you will be redi­rect­ed to our ser­vice provider Pay­pal. You do not need a Pay­pal account to donate anything.

For dona­tions up to cur­rent­ly 300€ (as of Oct. 2021) a book­ing con­fir­ma­tion of the cred­it insti­tute is suf­fi­cient for the tax office in Ger­many to deduct the amount from tax. We will glad­ly issue a dona­tion receipt for larg­er dona­tions. You can sub­mit our „Gen­er­al dona­tion cer­tifi­cate“ to the tax office togeth­er with your remittance.

What we use the mon­ey for you can find on our „Gen­er­al Sup­port“ page.